Loyda Abreu

He was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Graduated from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo UASD, as a Law Graduate in 1991. In 1993, she obtained a Master's degree in Notarial Law at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo. UASD.
He has carried out University studies of Arts inside and outside the country.
He has made more than 50 Collective, National and International Exhibitions, in countries of America, the Caribbean, Europe and Asia.
And for her artistic work as a Cultural Manager she has been the subject of several recognitions, currently she works as a Visual Artist, Cultural Manager and Notary Lawyer in the exercise of her profession.
Loyda Abreu, from her childhood felt a deep attraction for the plastic arts which led her to a constant search for the knowledge of the arts.
His first encounters with art he developed in his parents' house since he was born in a place where art was breathed. His father Don. Mario Abreu was a great wood sculptor, where he carved his pieces in his own common workshop, there Loyda understood and learned arts, since he began to take his first steps in the plastic with sandpaper or brush strokes to the wood and sculpture of his own father. Today Loyda Abreu finds herself again with her own interior where she begins a career for Abstract Art, it is where for the moment she finds her passion for painting, in abstract art where she finds herself since in it she achieves her freedom to express her dreams without limits and the inner self that both motivate her to make art. His technique is varied, his painting has been defined as having a lot of personality, lively and cheerful.
2005. Visual Arts, Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, UASD. R.D.
2015. Visual Arts "Centro Éxitos, Bellas Artes". Santo Domingo, D. N. R.D.
2016- Visual Arts Studies in Paris, France.
1991- Law Degree. Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, UASD. R. D.
1992.- Master in Notary Law, Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, UASD. R. D.
1993.- Notary Public. Of the National District, designated by decree of the Executive Power, R.D.
1994. Bachelor's degree. In Pedagogy, Intec University, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
In which he has represented the Dominican Republic.
September 21, 2021. Currently exhibiting my series of works Arboreal Chrysalis, at IIIamar Gallery en Lima Peru. Exhibition Building Peace with the Language of Art.
September 21, 2021. Currently exhibiting my series of works Arboreal Chrysalis at Egypt. International Exhibition Dialogue of Civilizations. Cooperation from Nepal and Egypt. Curator Safaa afifi.
September 21, 2021. Currently exhibiting for the World Day of Peace in El Salvador. in the exhibition El Salvador, Arte Fe y Esperanza. I participate with my work opening roads for Peace. Curator. Amado Mora.
September 9, 2021. Currently exhibiting my works from the Crisalidas Arboreas Series, in Odessa UKRAINE. Exhibition Titled: Diamond Duck Art Festival. Curator. Olga Kotlyarova- Prokopenko.
September 21, 2021. Currently exhibiting my works from the Crisalidas Arboreas Series, in TURKEY. Titled Exhibition: The black Sea is not Desert. Curator Sukran Yangin Ust.
1) 2021. September, currently International Virtual Exhibition in Taiwan. "Save the planet". I participate with my series of works Arboreal Chrysalis.
2) 2021. July. Exhibition in Peru. Theme. Break your Silence - No to Violence, I participate with my work. No to child abuse. Curated by: Germán Villanueva.
3) 2021. March. Exhibition in Norway, Arcom Expo International Association. Topic: International Women's Day. Curated by Baronessa Jisselda Salbu, I participate with my work "Light in my thoughts."
4) 2021. March. Exposition International Art Fair in Korea. Curated by: Park Young –Sil. I participate with my work Pasión y Ternura.
5) 2021. April. Virtual Curator Exhibition. Organized by the Curator Creative Convention, where I participate with some of my works from the Crisalidas Arboreas series. Curated by Dr. Mahima Gupta.
6) 2021. January. International Virtual Exhibition at: Angular Virtual Gallery in Paris France. Curated by: Carlos Alexander Rivera. Where I participate with ten of my works.
7) 2021. March. Collective exhibition in Turkey, at Classic Gallery
"Reflection of Feminine Power On Art".
8) 2021 March. Collective Exhibition in Turkey, "The Color of Life is Woman." Organized by International online group Exhibition, Curated by Aylin Beyoglu, I participate with one of my work. Titled. Passion.
9) 2021. March. Itinerant collective exhibition, face-to-face in Cordoba Spain, Ascensrt Gallery, titled Caminos del Arte, Curated by Ascencion Gomez, I participate with my work: Verano Red.
10). 2021. February. Collective Exhibition Late Arte, in Mexico at the 360 Virtual Gallery. Curated by Kary Franco. I participate with a work entitled Pasión de Corazones.
eleven). 2021. February. Collective exhibition. Woman from Alas Grandes, in Mexico at the 360 Virtual Gallery, Curated by Kary Franco. I participate with two of my Tree Chrysalis Works I and II.
12). 2021. February. International Virtual Exhibition, in Syria organized and curated by Moonlight Plastic Arts. Titled an artist a Country.
13) 2021. February - International Exhibition in Damascus- Syria. “Elixir” organized by the Las Velas de la Paz Association - Curador. Lina Rezek.
14) 2021. February- International exhibition in Libya. Curator of "Lotus Libya". Rafhat Hamed.
15) 2021. January / February - International Exhibition in Egypt. Curator "Egypt 2020. A possible world for peace". Ahmed Fathy.
16) 2021. January / February - International Exhibition in South Korea. Organize, ASROPA. Curator. Prof. Mag. Dr. Clemens Beungkun.
17) 2020. December. Nexo-Colors of Life International Exhibition. In Ecuador. House of Ecuadorian Culture Núcleo de Bolívar.
18) 2020. November - Coordinator and Speaker for the Dominican Republic, of the International Picassian Exhibition, in Malaga Spain. Adiscar Art Gallery.
19) 2020. September / October. Exhibition in Bangladesh. "Gallery of Miniature Art" Organized by (IOMAC).
20) 2020. September- International Exhibition in Nigeria. ViVid Art Gallery.
21) 2020. September- International Exhibition in India. Love revolution.
22) 2020. September- International Exhibition in India, organized by Nirantar Art.
23) 2020. August - International Exhibition in Singapore. Organize. Artist. www.GloriaKeh.com
24) 2020. International Exhibition "Summer Autumn Collective", in Valencia Spain. July 2020.
25) 2020. Collective Exhibition "Route of the Museums" in Galicia Spain, a tour or more 5 museums in Galicia. June 2020. Edited in the book "Caminos del Arte" in Valencia. Spain.
26). 2020. Collective exhibition. May 2020. International Virtual Exhibition, entitled "Color and Life" exhibiting in room 1-A, Interarte, Barcelona Spain.
27) 2020. Collective Exhibition. May 2020. International Virtual Exhibition entitled “Fragments of Arts and Poetry, reflected in a Book edited by ITACA. Madrid. Spain.
28) 2020. Collective Exhibition in New Jersey, May 2020. “Pictorial of Latin American Art” at the * Free Public Library Jersey City *.
29) 2020. Collective. NEW YORK. "Saludo a las Americas" organized by the Hispanic Parade Committee. Master Curator: Amado Mora.
30) 2020. Collective at “Galerie Les Deux Clochers, Saint Genis Des Fontaines” in FRANCE.
31) 2020. International Collective, "Dones & Women" in BARCELONA.
32) 2020. Collective in the “Ceira Girona Town Hall Exhibition”. BARCELONA. 21) 2020. Collective "MITOLOGIES POETIQUE", in the Library of the City Hall of L ’Hospitalet, BARCELONA.
33) 2020. International Collective ”Inspiración” Colliblanc Cultural Center, La Torrassa. BARCELONA.
34). 2020. Collective for the benefit of the "Capilla Mares Deu Del Roser" Imaginarte Gallery, in IBIZA. SPAIN.
35). 2019. Collective, “Al Maestro con Amor” organizes, Master and Curator Amado Mora. NEW JERSEY. USA.
36). 2019. Collective "ASF Small Format" El Pozairon. BARCELONA.
37). 2019. Collective, "Texture and Colors" Imaginarte Gallery. BARCELONA.
38). 2019. Collective, "Exhibit Together with Salvador Dalí" Imaginarte Gallery. IBIZA. SPAIN.
39). 2019. Collective. "Festival of Joy" IN BRAZIL. Universe of the Arts Gallery.
40). 2019. Collective, “From the Caribbean to the Mediterranean” CAMBRILS, TARRAGONA, organized by the Dominican Consulate in Barcelona.
41). 2019. Collective “Crossing Borders II”. TARRAGONA City Council. BARCELONA.
42). 2019. Collective “De Arte Internacional” Imaginarte Gallery, Sala Can Curt San Agustí, IBIZA. SPAIN.
43). 2019. Collective "Crossing Borders I", in the Tourism Room of TARRAGONA, BARCELONA.
44). 2019. Collective “Crossing Borders” NewArt Gallery Gallery, in ROMA. ITALY.
45). 2019. Collective. "Exhibiting Together with Salvador Dalí", at the PUNXA in GIRONA. BARCELONA.
46). 2019. International Collective, "Dominicans with NewArt-Gallery" BARCELONA. SPAIN.
47). 2019. International Collective. "Sacred Art", in New York. New Jersey Artists Collective.
48). 2019. Collective, “International, Hispano-American, Art Fusion” New Jersey Artists. USA.
49). 2019. Collective "Women in Power". Organized by the president of the Assembly of the Republic of Ecuador. In NYC.
50). 2019. Collective "VIVA Bradley Beach" in New York.
51). 2019. Collective "Art is Freedom" in PATERSON. USA.
52). 2018. Collective Exhibition "Dominican Pinceladas" at NewArt Gallery, Barcelona-Spain.
2019. Small formats collective, at CODAP. R.D.
2019. Art collectives. "Tribute to the Birth of Manuel Del Cabral on its 112th Anniversary".
Santo Domingo, R.D
2019. "Un Sueno para Mama" art collectives, Manuel Del Cabral Foundation. Santo Domingo, R. D.
2015. Art Collective, "The City Seen by Painters". Fifth Dominica. Santo Domingo, R. D.
2015. Art collectives. "Dominican College of Plastic Artists." Santo Domingo, R. D.
2020. Acknowledgment From The New Jersey State Senate. Senator María Teresa Ruiz. For my constant activism in the fight against Non-Violence against Women in times of the Covid19 Pandemic. In the State of New Jersey.
2020. Recognition. From The City of Newark, N. J. and The Newark City Council. For my participation in the artistic activity "United in one voice" In support of Domestic Violence.
2019. Recognition from Latin American Institute Inc. and New Jersey Artistic Collective, the city of for my participation in the Cultural Exchange with Dominican Brushstrokes in New Jersey.
2019. Recognition of the President of the National Assembly of Ecuador Cesar Litardo Caicedo for my participation in the Women in Power Event. Collective Exhibition for Women who inspire us.
2018. Certificate from NewArt Gallery and the Dominican Consulate in Barcelona, for participation in the ¨Pinceladas Dominicanas¨ cultural exchange in Barcelona.
Active member of the Dominican College of Plastic Artists. CODAP.
Active member of the Dominican Bar Association. CARD.
Active member of the Dominican College of Notaries.
Member of the Association of Artists of Hospitalet de Llobregat.
In Barcelona Spain. Member of the Association of Artists of Hospitalet de Llobregat.
In Valencia Gandia, Circulo Artistico Reino de Valencia.