Robabeh Delkhosh ( Roya )

Robabeh Delkhosh ( Roya )
IRAN - 1976
President of Iran Darroudi Academy of Visual Arts
Part_time Art Master at Art university of Neyshabur
Member of Iranian painting house
Member of ICAA and WCAA South Korea
Art Ambassador IRAN-INDIA
Curator and Manager of Art workshop and exhibition
Tel: +98 915 951 0388
Emails: , ,
2016, M.A University of Neyshabur , Master of Research Arts
2014, B.A University of Neyshabur , Bachelor of Fine Arts
2008, University of Mashhad , Associate Degree of Archeology
Solo Exhibition
2018, color of Nature, Atiyeh Gallery, Neyshabur , IRAN
2018, Color of Neyshabur, Art Gallery, University of Neyshabur, IRAN
2015, Mirror of Nature, Kamal almolk Gallery, Neyshabur , IRAN
2015, Fasli Digar, Bater Pablic Library, Darroud , IRAN
2014, Tradition and Modernity, Art university Gallery, Neyshabur , IRAN
2013, Mirror of Art, Kamalalmolk Gallery, Neyshabur , IRAN
2012, Basic Color, Art University Gallery, Neyshabur , IRAN
2010, Drawings, Shora Salon, Darroud , IRAN
Collaborative Exhibition
2021, Peace Again, Yukyung Art Museum, KOREA
2021, Peace Again, Haegeumgang Theme Museum, KOREA
2021, Women's Equality Day, Manikarnika Gallery, INDIA
2021, We stand together, Online Exhibition, INDONEZIA
2021, Calmness & Freedom, Online Exhibition, IRAN & GERMANY
2021, Tulorance & Peace, Online Exhibition, IRAN &Turkye
2021, 1st International online exhibition, Manikarnika Gallery, INDIA
2021, Homage to all the women of this universe, Online International Exhibition, NORWAY
2021, Pray for Myanmar, Arelart, Online International Exhibition, TURKE
2021, Pray for Myanmar, Online International Exhibition, INDONISA
2021, Hope, Karkhana Art Space, Online International exhibition, BANGLADESH
2021, 2nd Virtual visual expressions, Pagoda Group, Online International exhibition, NEPAL
2020, Jump Over, Seojoung Tower Gallery, Seoul, REPUBLIC OF KOREA
2020, Jump Over, Museum H, Seoul, REPUBLIC OF KOREA
2019, Silk Road, Xi’an, CHINA
2019, Artists Iranian, latuvu Gallery, Bages, FRANCE
2018, Able Access , Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA
2018, women’s Art Now, Yangpyeong Art Museum, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA
2017, small painting , Azar Nor Gallery , Mashhad , IRAN
2017, Iran Avant Grade , D- Mitte gallery , Dusseldorf , GERMANY
2017, Iran Avant Grade , KHP gallery , Dusseldorf , GERMANY
2017, Love & Peace , Ajung Art Museum , Seoul , SOUTH KOREA
2017, Love & Peace , Induk University , Seoul , SOUTH KOREA
2016, Home is where I am, Arna, SWEDEN
2016, Art Al vent , Gata , SPAIN
2016 , Carbon 12 , Egg Gallery , New Delhi , INDIA
2016 , Carbon 12 , Diggi Palace , Jaipur , INDIA
2015, Poland From the perspective of Iranians, National Garden Museum , Tehran , IRAN
2015, Attar, Laleh Gallery, Tehran ,IRAN
2015, Attar,Atiyeh Gallery, Neyshabur , IRAN
2014, International Art Meet, Birla School, Plani , INDIA
2014, Narcotics, Farhangsar Simorgh, Neyshabur , IRAN
2014, Art students, Kamalalmolk Gallery , Neyshabur , IRAN
2014, Fajr Festival, Farhangestan Honar, Tehran , IRAN
2013, Health, Farhangsara Simorgh, Neyshabur , IRAN
2013, Art and Citizen, Kamalalmolk, Neyshabor , IRAN
2012, Tabiate Neyshabur, Art University Gallery, Neyshabur , IRAN
2012, Tributes doctor Shafiee Kadkani, Torbat Gallery, Torbat Heydariyeh , IRAN
2011, Moghavemat, Fine Art’s University, Tehran , IRAN
2018, Save Nature, Darroud, IRAN
2017, Love & Peace , Seoul , SOUTH KOREA
2017, Try for good, Jaipur, INDIA
2016, Carbon 12, Diggi Palace , Jaipur, INDIA
2015, Attar , Farhangsar Simorgh, Neyshabur , IRAN
2014, Khayyam, Art University of Neyshabur, Neyshabur , IRAN
2014, International Art Meet, Birla school, Pilani, INDIA
2014, Health, University of Medical Sciences, Neyshabur , IRAN
2014, Narcotics, University of Neyshubur, Neyshabur , IRAN
2013, Ferdosi, University of Neyshabur, Neyshabur , IRAN
2013, Khayyam, Khayyam Garden, Neyshabur , IRAN
2013, Attar, Attar Garden, Neyshabur , IRAN
2013, Art and Citizen,C aravansary Abbasi, Neyshabur , IRAN
2012, Moghavemat, Art University of Neyshabur, Neyshabur , IRAN
2012, Khayyam, Art University of Neyshabur, Neyshabur , IRAN
2012, Tributes doctor Shafiee Kadkani, C aravansary Torbat, Torbat Heydariyeh , IRAN 2011, Tributes Ferdosi , Fredosi Tomb, Mashhad , IRAN
2021, Member of Global Judges, World Heritage Art Competition, INDIA, INDONEZIA, NEPAL, BHUTAN
2021, We are Nature, 2end International Visual Arts Exhibition, IDA, IRAN
2021, Artist with Heritage, Online Webinar, INDIA
2021, 1th International Online Art Exhibition, IDA, IRAN
2021, Pray for Myanmar, Speaker, International webinar, INDONESIA
2017, Peace & Love for World, Bigest children workshop, National Park Darroud, IRAN
2014, Safe nature, Land Art, Farhangsara Simorgh, Neyshabur , IRAN
2014, Contributor Nature, Darroud, Neyshabur , IRAN
2015, Selected Competition “ Poland From the perspective of Iranians “, Tehran
2014, Selected Competition “Narcotics, University of Medical Sciences, Neyshabur
2014, Selected Competition, Fajr Festival, Tehran