Azher Dakil Mohsen

The artwork presupposes several conditions for its aesthetic and intellectual purpose. Among them in terms of achievement or at the level of the receiving process, and by necessity, most contemporary theories in criticism attempt to explore the depths of artistic work away from any influencer outside his structural system, meaning that criticism tries to displace or interpret the achievement outside the sociological reading and historical ruminations that accompany it, which is a problem that I sought to She studied academically and researched it systematically, so I reserved a place for her in my aesthetic mentality and philosophy according to viewing or achievement, so I see that the artwork that has been completed is independent and free from my intellectual sway if it is signed or installed on the wall for display, and these are theories of theories and contemporary criticism approaches, in what can be summed up With the philosophy of (Roland Part) (death and exclusion of the author). I do not pretend that I have completed. my project to present my philosophy as I want, nor do I pretend that I add a spirit of joy to the recipient if I watch my work, because I am constantly trying to quarrel with the recipient, and I prepare it as the complement to what was accomplished, and what he asks about what the work and its language are but a kind of marginalizing this element and canceling The vital role of the recipient I want.
On the face of it, I climbed up several experiences and floated in different technical and experimental stages, and moved from a photographic surface to another public, I find lost in my artistic work, moved from vocabulary that swims in a space looking for its stability, and tried color for all its details and injured myself a line, so I took from the old Iraqi art as a material My higher education (masters) until I overthrew the city, not because it is a place, but because it is an entity that I try to pair with man because they are a title that does not differ nor separate.My work is experimental and a founding for the next. It is an offset of many aesthetic concepts and has freed them from its limitations internally, through which I seek to present something conscious aesthetic.