Hansa Milan Kumar
I am an abstract artist. I do abstract work not only because I like it but because it represents my nature and personality. I think that I feel comfortable expressing myself through my work style.
For example: I like silence but it doesn't mean that I like to be alone. Here I am talking about the peace that is found deep down in the soul. As I went on thinking about silence several thought came into my mind.
Like there are plenty of things in the universe which are divided into layers and inspite of this they are working their work so peacefully that we can't imagine and layer is present everywhere in the nature. Our body itself is made up of several layers. Tree, plants, leaves, flowers, stones are all visible to us. And if we see then there are many feelings that aren't visible but are present in several layers in us like sadness, happiness, anger and we are filled with these emotions. All these things being there in layers in creation work very silently and contained in a place. That silence shows their unity. This is what try to show in layer's with silence a unity.