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enjoying the shapes

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Ratna shakya

Country: Nepal

We cannot imagine anything; creativity, poetry, music, literacy without Art. They are the primary part of creation. Today, everything is changing, with the development in technology. Art have substantially changed; big cinema, graphic animation, making of a cake.

Art is so much fascinating to me since my childhood. I remember I was laying down with my father and I draw so many aeroplanes on the wall and my father used to help me as well. Every single time I find a piece of white paper I used to fill it with my work. Later, I finished my high school and I joined Fine Art College in kathmandu. I learned so many technical skills. Besides, I used to draw quick sketches in the streets. I am still very passionate about sketches and I still do it. Because my love for creating burns so bright and deep within me, I am determined to find a career path that will allow me to explore the world of creativity and art everyday.

As I grew up with this immense feeling toward arts, I had set my mind to create something different. So I got interested in abstract works. I used to do some black and white art as I thought black and white relates life; joy and sorrow, day and night. Likewise, i used to express my thoughts in my works. 

After i completed MFA masters in Fine Art from Tribhuvan University, kathmandu, I wanted to develop my work freely without any boundaries. I then started recreating shapes of any shape or object in my own way.

I started creating them in a joyful manner and I enjoyed them. The art I made looked familier and recognizable but it didn't had a proper perfect shapes. 

Today, I am still searching aesthetic in my work. I now want to draw shapes, new shapes which do not even exist and are unrecognizable. I sketch drawing and shapes that comes deep from my mind and thoughts. There are shapes but it is not recognizable. It might somehow look like triagular, rythemic, circles or lines but it is not exactly the same. So i titled my work 'Shapes Without Shape'. The theme is abstract. Likewise, I am enjoying it very much and i am still searching a beauty in my work. 

Throughout my life i have been endlessly drawing, painting, sculpting and creating - often times i still find the journey endless. I dont know if i have succeeded or not but i am still searching me inside myself by myself. What am i? Who am

Thank you

Ratna shakya



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