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John Holt Emante

Artist Statement

Available Paintings

CODE: 00-0769

Artist: John Holt Emante

Size: 9x23

Medium: Stoneware with underglazes and oxides

Price: 1000 £

CODE: 00-0775

Artist: John Holt Emante

Size: 8x16

Medium: Stoneware with black marble bases

Price: 1250 £

CODE: 00-0774

Artist: John Holt Emante

Size: 7.5x16

Medium: Stoneware underglazes and oxides

Price: 850 $

CODE: 00-0773

Artist: John Holt Emante

Size: 9x20

Medium: Stoneware with oxides and underglazes

Price: 850 $

CODE: 00-0772

Artist: John Holt Emante

Size: 10x12.5

Medium: Stoneware with Oxides and Underglazes

Price: 900 £

CODE: 00-0771

Artist: John Holt Emante

Size: 10x19

Medium: Stoneware with underglazes

Price: 1000 £

CODE: 00-0770

Artist: John Holt Emante

Size: 10x19

Medium: Stoneware. With oxides and underglazes

Price: 950 £